Thursday, June 25, 2009

Raspberries, Carrots, Cabbage and Peas

I just ate my first fresh carrot and raspberries of the year. Yummy!! I also have huge cabbage just waiting to be eaten for dinner to tonight along with fresh peas. Yay! Let me know if you want some!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rain, Glorious Rain

We are loving all this rain. Not only is it great for our garden and making things look amazing, but we are not having to spend time watering. We will probably pay for it in weeding time later, but for now it is great. Last weekend, we got 1.3" of rain and this is the rain gauge since last Sunday. It is almost 1.2." Wonderful!!

I thought I would throw in a few pictures of what the rain is doing for us. These are our potatoes. We have already hilled them twice and they are over 1 foot tall.

This is a sweet potato plant. It is small, but it was planted later than everything else and started as a little stem. The plants will get huge.

This is a cabbage plant. It too started out small, but in the last week has exploded. We should have cabbage in the next week or two.

This picture doesn't do the tomato justice. It is almost 3 1/2 feet tall. It too has exploded in the last week.

Here is the swiss chard, which is full swing. We have been eating tons of it and loving it. Our very picky 3 year old even likes it.

Thanks for looking and keep checking back. It only gets better from here on out.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Here's a picture of the garden across the street. The farmer who owns the land has wheat planted and has let me use a row on the end. I think the row is about 760 feet long. As you can see in this picture, the weeds are getting ahead of me, but I really do work on it. Now that I have everything planted, maybe I can get caught up.

The farmer talked to me last night and let me have some more space for cucumber down the road. We planted them this morning. I planted pickling cukes and eating cukes. Everyone start getting their cucumber recipes ready!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Here are a few pictures of the gardens now..
(Tomorrow's excitement will be pictures of garden #3.)
Front Garden, which is growing the squash, zukes, pumpkins and raspberries.

Back garden, which is growing cukes, lots of different tomatoes, peas, lettuce, spinach, kolhrabi, swiss chard, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

I also threw in a picture of the tomato blossoms in dreams of veggies to come.

Don't you just love this time of year!! We can start enjoying fruits of our labors. As a bonus, it still is not too hot. I could use about 1" of rain. It would really give everything a boost and save me a couple of days of watering. I can't wait for fresh tomatoes.!!